Tissue and organ Transplantation
An organ or tissue transplantation is the moving of an organ or tissue from one body to another from the donor side to the recipient to replace the damaged tissue or organ. The person receiving the organ or tissue is the recipient and the person whose body organ or tissue was taken is the donor. This process is usually applied to replace injured or diseased tissue or organ with natural or artificial ones. When a foreign tissue or organ of donor is inserted into another individual is usually rejected by the recipient because it act as an antigen. In humans the genes that are responsible for the transplant rejection are called as “human lymphocyte antigen or H gene ).
Types of transplantation
- Autografting: It is a graft in which the donor or recipient is the same individual. Eg. Skin transplantation
- Isografting: It is a graft between genetically identical individuals. Eg. Identical twins
- Allograft: It is the graft between genetically different members of the same species. Eg. Transplantation between two men
- Xenograft: It is a graft in which the donor is of different species from that of the recipient. Eg. Transplantation between monkey and man
Cornea Transplantation: Cornea is a thin and transparent layer over the eye. Cornea can be removed from a dead person’s eyes. It is stored and transplant on another person’s eye to restore vision. Cornea transplant is successful and easy because it lacks blood vessels.
Kidney Transplantation: When kidney failure is not treated with drugs and dialysis a kidney is transplanted from a compatible donor. The donor may be identical twins or close relatives or any other person. A kidney transplant from an identical twin is always successful. If the kidney is transplanted from another person except twins which is also successful with the use of the drug named cyclosporine.