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Introduction to zoology

Zoology is the branch of biology that deals with the study of animals. Zoology is derived from two Greek words ‘Zoon’ means animals and ‘Logos’ means study. 

Father of Zoology: Aristotle
Father of Biology: Aristotle
Father of Botany: Theophrastus

Branches of Zoology

1. On the basis of  structure and function:

Morphology: Study of the external structure of an organism
Anatomy: Study of the internal structure of an organism
Cytology: Study of cell
Histology: Study of tissue 
Physiology: Study of life process

2. On the basis of specific units and field

Toxicology: Study of toxic substances
Genetics: Study of heredity and genetics
Embryology: Study of embryo
Evolution: Slow and gradual change in the characters of an organism over time
Ecology: Study of the relationship between living organism and their environment
Microbiology: Study of micro organisms.
Mycology: Study of fungi. 
Parasitology: Study of parasite
Paleontology: Study of fossils
Taxonomy: Identification, nomenclature and classification of the organism

3. On the basis of a specific group

Entomology: Study of insect
Helminthology: Study of helminth worms
Protozoology: Study of protozoans
Bacteriology: Study of bacteria
Virology”: Study of virus

4. Different branches of zoology related to medicinal science

Entomology: Study of insect
Helminthology: Study of helminth worms
Protozoology: Study of protozoans
Bacteriology: Study of bacteria
Virology”: Study of virus
Cardiology: Study of Heart
Haematology: Study of blood
Osteology: Study of Bone
Pathology: Study of different diseases, it’s symptoms and mode of transmission
Opthalmology: Study of eyes

Scope of Zoology

Zoology is the study of animals. There is a many scope of zoology in different sectors

1. In the field of health and disease: Zoology is the study of animals, there are several animal parasites that are responsible for causing disease. The knowledge of zoology is essential to identifying the pathogenicity of any disease. The Study of habit, habitat, and life cycle of parasites helps to control the parasite, vector and useful to eradicate the diseases. For example, by studying the behavior of mosquito we can control the malaria, filaria, etc.

2. In the field of medicine: There is a vast scope of zoology in the medical sector because many animals and their body parts as well as animal products are used to prepare medicine. Many animals are used to test new medicine before being used by human being.

3. In the field of industry: . The knowledge of zoology also helps to nas small scaled industries like poultry, fisheries, apiculture, sericulture, food industries, dairy industry, pearl industry etc.

4. In the field of agriculture: Various animals are help in agriculture, destroy harmful animals and plants, pollinate flowers and act as scavengers .

5. In the field of career: Zoology has great scope to choose the career in different such as teacher, lecturer, professor, researcher, MBBS, BDS, BPH, BMLT. Pharmacy, Nursing, animal husbandry, beekeeping, poultry, etc.

Importance of zoology

  1. Economic value

  2. Literacy value

  3. Aesthetic value

1. Economic value :  

It deals with the application of zoological knowledge for the benefit of human kind.
Zoological knowledge is essential to maintain heath and to control and eradicate diseases such as malaria, typhoid, kalazar etc. 
Income can be generated through beekeeping, silkculture, fish farming, poultry farming, domesticating animals etc.
Agricultural pest and parasites can be identified and controlled through the knowledge of zoology.
Certain animals provides useful products like meat, milk, fur, leather, wool, honey, oil shell, medicine etc. By the study of these animals quality and quantity of these products can be improved.

2. Literacy Value:

Several beautiful and interesting animal have inspired poets and authors to write poems and articles. 
Several animals are mentioned in dramas, poems, stories, films etc. 
Several terms related to animals like ‘lions courage’ snail speed. crocodile tears, sluggish movement etc. are used.

3. Aesthetic value : 

Attractive colors, melodius color and behaviors of animals are the sources of attraction of man. 
Body parts of animals example skin, tusk, anther and shell are used for decorative purpose. 
Keeping aquarium with colorful fishes and farming animals such as parrots, peacocks, dogs, cats etc are pleasurable.
Bird watching, fishing, and wildlife games provide great entertainment. 
Visit the national park, a wildlife reserve is pleasurable. 


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